Te Tautoko Ora has been going since 2018. Our founding trustees combined their diverse range of skills to support others to develop similar or other skills for themselves but ultimately for their communities too.
Our trustees know and believe that training programmes and small courses are an ideal vehicle for growing and developing marginalised people with limited education and skills such as Maori, ethnic refugees, wahine, rangatahi (young people) and kaumatua (senior citizens). This belief hasn’t changed and is still the way Te Tautoko Ora will deliver its core services.
We delivered Kia Ora e Te Iwi (Cancer awareness education) wananga, where participants brought their experiences of the effects of caring and losing a loved one to cancer. These wananga were delivered in Christchurch, Blenheim, and Waikawa Bay Picton. We’ve delivered COVID-19 healthy home packages to financially challenged families in Marlborough through the Alert Level 3 period of 2020. The resounding gratitude we received from the families who we supported shortly after (and even still today) confirmed for us that our approach in ‘supporting living’ for which Te Tautoko Ora means is the secret of our success and a confirmation to stay focussed on growing people ends in thriving communities.